The birth chart, Navamsha Chart, transit chart of your Kundli, and all the information relating to the planets and their effects on your life will be included.
Based on planetary positions and calculations, astrology Kundli maker provides precise information about yourself. With this Kundli, you can find a perfect match for marriage, unlock your career options, proceed with a business, or build a home. By entering your details like name, date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth, you can check your Kundli online in a matter of seconds. The online Kundli generator provides options for both North and South Indian chart styles, allowing you to prepare your birth chart in the way you require.
With precision and accuracy, free Kundli-making will enable you to make better decisions in life and gain a profound understanding of your destiny. This tool provides a detailed free Janam Kundali analysis of your planets and is completely free of cost. Pt Pawan Kaushik presents this free online Kundli software that generates an accurate representation of your astrology Kundli.
Your Janam Kundli, or life's map, outlines the path you will take and how your planets will influence every aspect of your life.